3 Cool Must Have WordPress Plugins I Can’t Live Without

Hey Hey my friend

Today I want to talk to you about 3 must have wordpress plugins that I install on ALL my blogs that either help with my rankings or help increase sales.

must have wordpress plugins I do have to be upfront 1 is free and the other 2 are under $20 each but the effect they can have on your online business is worth WAY more than that.

If you are in the mindset that you can go along in your online business and not invest in some premium plugins or software  GET OUT OF THAT MINDSET as soon as possible.

Everytime I purchase a premium plugin, training program, or software I make more money and free up more of my time.

So let’s get started and go into some of these top wordpress plugins I use on all my sites.

3 Cool Must Have WordPress Plugins:

1. MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer: <– opens in a new tab

Now this plugin is 100% FREE and it can do WONDERS for your blog once we couple it with a list of over 200 pinging services.

You see everytime you publish new content WordPress has a built in “Update Service” that notifies several pinging services that new content has been published to your sites which in turn causes the search engine spiders to crawl your site.

If you ping too much it can actually get you banned. The way you ping too much is by editing a post already published several times. WordPress will ping the services EVERYTIME you hit “update” on the post.

So this plugin prevents you from pinging too much especially when you add the 200 services.

*****If You have issues downloading either of the files below just email me at joshua.zamora1@gmail.com***

>>Click Here to Download the Plugin….<–opens in a new tab

>>Click here to Download the List of 200+ services..<—opens in a new tab

If I lost you at any point in the above paragraphs DO NOT worry you don’t need to understand how this works for it to work. Just install the plugin, download the list of 200+ pinging services and input it into the plugin.

Once you install the plugin simply follow the image below.

This is one of the first plugins I install on all my WordPress sites.

2. TrackBack Indexer: <– opens in a new tab

This plugin is absolutely AMAZING! Although I just picked it up a couple weeks back, I have installed it on all my blogs and can’t see myself putting up a new website without this plugin.

http://zamuraiblogger.com/the-100-cast-dating/You see I do a TON of article marketing to get backlinks using http://zamuraiblogger.com/45-year-old-dating-sites/ and everytime I syndicate an article my blog recieves a “pingaback” aka “trackback” which basically notifies me that a new site has linked to my site.

But just because I have syndicated an article it does NOT mean that those links will get indexed.

So what this plugin does is it takes those “pingbacks” and automatically submits them to over 79 different services to get your backlinks indexed.

The great thing about this plugin is once you install and activate it, its runs on complete autopilot. I used to do this manually and it would take HOURS!!

If you do NOT do any article marketing (which if you are trying to rank at all you must be) then this plugin is NOT FOR YOU!

The investment for this plugin is a one small fee of $17

http://zamuraiblogger.com/senior-parents-dating-sites-over-60/<–opens in a new tab

The reason I love this plugin so much is I actually had 2 niche sites of mine that had absolutely DIED in rankings and traffic went to 0! I was no where to be found.

So what I did was install this new plugin and send over 200 article marketing backlinks and what happened over the next several days blew my mind! My sites rankings were resurrected and started bringing traffic and sales again!

Take a look at what happened in the images below

must have wordpress pluginsAs you can see this plugin, along with my article marketing RESURRECTED my traffic and rankings.

top wordpress plugins

***Update**  WP Traffic Cop is no longer available as a Warrior Special Offer BUT it is still for sale through the Qody Websitehttp://zamuraiblogger.com/singles-dating-events/: <– opens in a new tab

This plugin is an ABSOLUTE MUST for anyone looking to dramatically increase sales or optins on your blog.

What this plugin does is it KILLS those annoying “pop up redirect” plugins. This plugin will sneakly redirect your website visitors to any page you desire WITHOUT any of those annoying “stay on page” pop ups.

So if you are building any type of niche sites you can install this and have 100% of your visitors land on Amazon or whatever affiliate offer you are promoting thus having a 100% CTR to your affiliate links.

Let’s be honest not everyone will physically click on your links on your site so this plugin gently forces them to visit the merchants site.

wordpress plugins
This plugin is brand new and was just released this week and I went and installed it on ALL my sites immediately.

If you are ready to increase the sales from your niche sites make sure you pick this one up.

The investment for this plugin is $49 and is a VERY limited offer. I have made $150 extra dollars this week from installing this plugin so ask me if its worth it.

>>Click here to learn more about Wp Traffic Cop….<–opens in a new tab

That is it folks these are 3 top wordpress plugins I can’t live without and install on ALL my websites.

I highly recommend you pick up ALL 3.

To Your WordPress Success,

signature 3 Simple Steps to Drive More Traffic To Your Blog via Linkedin

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