3 Keys to Successful Traffic Buying Anyone Can Apply

Hey guys! It’s been quite a while since I posted an article here on my blog and there’s good reason for that. I was drilling down and really working hard to rank my niche sites and I was actually doing quite well.

I had reached the point where I was getting about 10,000 visitors per month to my various blogs but from one day to the next and the latest Google Penguin Update I lost 90% of my traffic.

Now everyone is really riding the “What is Google Penguin” train right now and Google isn’t really going to go into detail about who the update was really targeting but I know I had the BEST content in my various niches as I ALWAYS put content and user experience over rankings. Yet my sites still got hit.

But hey that’s business and at the end of the day Google can do what ever they want to do. Instead of rolling in my own pity I decided to do something about it and restructure by business. I have now moved on to paid traffic and I do not know why I didn’t just start there from the beginning.

It’s an undeniable fact that buying your traffic is one of the FASTEST ways to get traffic to your offers. Whether it’s through pay per click, cost per view, banner buys, or social media, putting money down and buying your traffic can bring you results faster than just about any method out there.

The problem is, most people have no idea how to do it, and what the key factors are for a successful campaign I know I didn’t before coming across Chad Hamzeh and his Traffic Blackbook Training.

In this article, I’m going to teach you the 3 things to consistently apply if you want to have any chance of success with converting your traffic into sales.

1. Target a Specific Market

Too often, marketers start their campaigns with the wrong questions. They ask themselves, “What offer has the highest payout”, or “How much money can I make promoting this?”. They tend to forget that they’re marketing to actual PEOPLE.

The first step is to ask yourself, “who am I marketing to?”. Better yet, “who is my prospect, and what do they want?” Create a really in depth image of who your customer is, what are their fears and desires. What problems do they have, and how can you help solve them?

Find large markets to focus in, and then splinter and segment them down to more manageable parts. Find a segment of a high volume market that has a specific desire and see if you can fulfill that.

The most successful marketers focus on 1 or 2 markets, and 1 or 2 traffic channels. They don’t bounce around hopping (and hoping) from one thing to the next.

2. Market a Converting Offer

Basically, sending a million clicks to an offer no one wants will just cost you money. To find a converting offer, the first thing I recommend for CPA affiliate marketers is to have a good relationship with your affiliate manager. You will want to test and rotate a couple of their top recommendations to see if you can find a winner. (CPA marketing is the model I have decided to target with my paid traffic)

If you’re promoting Clickbank products, stick with the products that you see promoted the most with the highest traffic levels. Use Compete.com to check traffic levels for specific clickbank vendors, and if they have high popularity/gravity as well as high historical traffic, it’s worth rotating and testing that offer.

Now, if you’re a product owner, you’re going to want deeper pockets. Basically, you’re going to need to drive traffic to your offer and test different aspects of your offer. These could be price, trial offers, continuity options, etc.

Again, the offer is very important. If you are sending actual humans to your offer/page and you’re not converting, then it’s the offer and presentation of the offer that is wrong, or you’ve completely targeted the wrong market. You haven’t picked the right offer for that market.

3. Become a Click Through Rate GOD

Your click through rate is the number of times your ad gets clicked vs. the number of times it gets shown. So, if your ad is clicked 4 times out of 100 views (impressions), you have a click through rate of 4%.

The fact is, on almost all paid traffic platforms, having a high click through rate will make your traffic cheaper.

A few good ways to improve your click through rate are:

  • Bid high. For the majority of platforms, with the exception of FB among others, your bid dictates your positioning in the ad queue. Bidding high enough to be shown in good positions (2-3) will get your ads clicked on more often for keywords/placements that sell. But, regardless of the platform, if your bids are way too low, you won’t get very many impressions. This is why I set a lower budget but keep my bids high, it helps me get the data I need without going broke!
  •  Using shock, fear, numbers, and question marks in your ads. You’ve probably all heard this before, but it’s essential. I will show some of my ads in the case study.
  • And of course, focus on selling benefits and not features. Most people don’t care about you or the features of your service, they want to know what’s in it for them.

So there you have it. Master those 3 aspects of your online marketing, especially with paid advertising, and you can begin to write your own ticket (and your own checks!).

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To Your Traffic Success,



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How To Get Targeted Website Traffic From YouTube in 3 Easy Steps

Hey Hey my friend,

Today I want to talk to you about a simple system I use to drive targeted website traffic to my website’s using YouTube.

targeted website trafficIt is really a simple system and you don’t even need to be on camera if you are not comfortable creating a face to face video.

For me personally what works best is short videos that teach people something, share a free resource etc. This post is not going to be about how to create a video but I basically use a screen recorder that costs $12 per year and has all the functions of Camtasia.

There is also a free version which has a few limitations but works just as fine. You can record up to 15 minutes for free. It is called Screen-cast-o-matic. (non affiliate link – and as always all my links open in a new window)

Now the next step could be done before or after you create your video but it is the most important piece to the whole puzzle.
And yes it’s called Keyword Research.

Step 1: Keyword Research

Keyword research is something that a lot of people really do NOT like to do but what they fail to realize is good keyword research is where A LOT of money is made online. Spending the time to find these keywords is definitely worth it if you are serious about creating a successful online business.

And the great thing is once you get the hang of keyword research you can get in and out with a great keyword in about 5-10 minutes.

Now the good thing about this approach (using YouTube) is that you can enter into a relatively high competitive niche and still make it to page one of Google fairly quickly.

Watch the video below for a quick video on keyword research

Targeted Website Traffic Research Video:

The search strings I mention in the video:
inurl:”keyword” — Anything below 100k results is fine
intitle:”keyword” Anything below 100k results is fine
Atleast 500 Local Searches per month

Step 2: Upload and Optimize Your Video

Once your keyword research is done it is time to either create your video OR if your video is already created, it’s time to upload it to YouTube and Optimize it for your keyword. Now it is VERY important that you follow the following steps to the T!

1. BEFORE you upload your video to YouTube change the name of the video file on your computer to your target keyword. So if it’s currently saved on your hard drive as “youtubevideo” change it your “you target keyword.”

Once that is done upload your video and go to step 2.

2. Insert your Keyword in the title of your YouTube video settings. This should happen automatically if you followed step #1. But you want to spice it up and add some attention grabbing text at the end of it.

For Example: Nikon XXX Camera Review: A mind BLOWING Video
or something along those lines.

3. Insert your call to action link as the first line of your description area and make sure you include the http:// . Failing to include that will result in an unclickable link. Also next to it write out a call to action like “Click Here To Learn More”

4. Then you want to make sure you use your target keyword atleast once in your description area but do not over due it. If you write more then 200 words in the description then go ahead and sneak another one in there but be sure it flows with the text.

5. The last step is to go below the description area and you will see your “tags” insert your main keyword FIRST and then several variations of your keyword as well if you’d like.

Step 3: Social Bookmarking

Once that is complete it is time to give our New video the JUICE it needs to race to the first page of Google.

The next step I take is to send 100 Social Bookmarks to your video.

I personally use SocialMonkee which allows me to quickly create 100 Social Bookmarks to 3 different URL’s per day.

I always set the submission of my bookmarks to be dripped over 3 days.

An alternate way is to use SocialMaximizer which is a paid service and you just create an account and once in your dashboard you add a new URL and select for your URL to be submitted to bookmarking sites with Pagerank  3 and up.

Either way works perfect.

With this system I am able to get videos to page one as quick as 4-5 days to 1-2 weeks depending on the competition.

To Your Targeted Website Traffic Success,

signature 3 Simple Steps to Drive More Traffic To Your Blog via Linkedin

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point here animated 3 Simple Steps to Drive More Traffic To Your Blog via Linkedin