How To Pick a Domain Name that doesn’t BLOW!

Hey hey my friend!

I am truly excited to start this brand new venture here at I think it’s really about  time to really start building my brand and build something that people recognize.

If you have been following me at all over at you will notice that I have not really built a brand around that Domain.


how to pick a domain nameSimply because it is a very LONG and general domain name and hard to find a way to build a brand around it (trust me I tried). Which also shows how little I knew about online marketing when I first started to pick such a general domain.

I wish I would have done more research on building a brand and how to pick a domain name  early on.

Although I have been sharing some great articles with my readers, building a brand is just as important as putting out quality unique information. Continue reading “How To Pick a Domain Name that doesn’t BLOW!”