Hey Hey!
I’m back with update video #3. Over the last 10 days or so there have been some great list building going on and I’m happy to report that I have broken the 6,000 subscribers mark! In this update you will learn a little bit about how I used banner ads, video marketing and a couple more solo ads to add an additional 292 subscribers to my list.
I’ve also been using my Free Video Marketing Report a bit more as a list building tool since I’ve been noticing that my aweber funnel for my Youtube Training has been converting a bit higher then the funnel I have set up for my Free WordPress Training.
So let’s go ahead and jump into this bad boy. This video will run for about 9 minutes but it’s well worth every second
292 Subscribers Update Video:
Resources Mentioned in The Video:
1. My Video Marketing Training: Learn my exact formula that I use to quickly rank simple Youtube Videos that bring me optins and sales on a daily basis.
2. Warrior Forum Banner Advertising Page: If you have an account on the Warrior Forum this is where you go to upload a banner. It costs $100 for a 24 hour slot. I got 42 freebie optins and 4 buyer optins. I spent $100 and made about $40 so my total investment was $60.
I am going to test out putting up a FREE WSO with my video marketing report since I’ve used my WordPress training as a FREE WSO before and received about the same amount of optins and posting a FREE WSO only costs $40 instead of $100.
3. Warrior forum Banner Advertising Guidelines: Before you upload a banner be sure to read and follow EACH AND EVERY guideline they have in place. Your banner WILL NOT get approved if you do not follow all of their guidelines.
4. Pixlr Editor: I did not mention this in the video but if you do not have an image editor/creator you can use this online based tool to make simple banners. (no software to download)
I just want to quickly mention as well that I am a huge advocate of reinvesting the income from my list building efforts back into my business to grow my list faster. In my last update I mentioned that the guest article that was published on Kim Roach’s Blog resulted in about 12 sales or so.
In total it’s been well over $200 in profit that I made from that article which I used to purchase the banner ad. The banner ad made about $40 which I’m going to reinvest yet again along with the other income I made from the article. Once you have a proven funnel you can easily pour money into advertising and continue recycling the income your funnel produces to buy more advertising.
That is it for this weeks update! I hope you found it useful. Also stay tuned for my next article which is going to break down exactly how I have my funnel set up from squeeze page to autoresponder sequence.
To Our List Building Success,
What’s On Your Mind?
I would LOVE To Hear from You In The Comments area below. Do you have a question? Comment? Where Are You In Your List Building Efforts? Do You Have A Juicy traffic strategy you would like to share? Drop Me some Love Below.
And Don’t Forget to hit the “Like” Button below.
Hey Joshua,
This is a very inspiration post! I like how you said that you use the money that you are making to reinvest back into your business. I think I’m going to try a banner ad as well.
Hey Joseph,
Yea man I invest a good portion of my income back into my business which results in more income and more subscribers. Make sure you follow all the guidelines so you get approved quickly.
Hi Josh
Been following you since your youtube wso’s
Have you tried any other traffic methods ? i am thinking of trying adfly or maybe ppc with bing are maybe some cheap traffic sellars.
But id be doing it for non im traffic example cooking,pets,how to’s etc
Hey Steve,
So far I’ve been focusing on mostly free to low cost traffic strategies. I have not done much with PPC or any other similar paid methods. I am planning to try out Youtube PPC soon and see how it works out. I met a gentlemen recently who has built a list of about 267,000 people in the cooking niche and he dominates. He’s even came out on TV. So you can definitely become an authority in any niche which you can provide high quality content to.
wow DAM lol i would like to know what methods he used
Thanks Josh ill be watching
Yea he told me he has a blog, and a has been able to grow a pretty big forum which brings in a good amount of subscribers. Granted he’s been growing his list since 2005 I believe. You can google him “Ron Douglas” He now sells solo ads and charges $4500 for one email lol
Hi Joshua
Great update!
I have a somewhat strategic question:
You mention in the video that your auto responder
Sequence generates sales and makes it possible
To keep investing more money into growing your
List. So my question is: what is the end goal
Of such a process ? Lets say you use the profits
From the auto responder to build 10000 subs
What are you going to do once you reach that goal?
Hey Dan,
Great question. When I hit my 10k goal I am going set a new goal of 20k and just continue to build my list. The end goal of course is to not only build a loyal list of subscribers but also have traffic on demand which ultimately leads to more money. Also having a decent size list will allow me to have traffic on demand. Having a list is my most powerful asset I own.
I hope I answered your ? if not just let me know and I can expand further.
My next post is going to be about my funnel and autoresponder sequence which I’ve received several questions about.
Very honest overview on your strategy its very use full to see your process action.
keep up the good work Joshua
Thank you Joseph. Happy to be sharing what’s working for me so others can follow along and not only see that it’s possible but also to take action themselves.
Great update Joshua, you’re really going for that 1ok. Warrior banner ads kick ass!
Yea man I’m going hard after that 10k! Yea I liked the banner ad results will definitely be using them more.
Hey Joshua,
Great post!
Time to start working on your “coaching program” for your backend right?
All the best for your success!
hahaha Yea Sally although a coaching program is something I haven’t put too much thought to. I think I like actually doing internet marketing more then teaching. I do like putting together membership sites though. So I may do that better. thanks for stopping by
Hey Joshua thanks for your post. I loved the info shared here. Would you care to share how many Clicks you received for your banner add? Also did you directly link it to your squeeze page?
Congratz again for hitting the 6,000 subs mark. Only 4,000 left to go now till you hit your target. Good luck!
hey Manie I got about 130 clicks and yes I linked directly to a squeeze page. I posted a FREE WSO with the free offer though and I saw that I got the same amount of subs for less then half the price. So may just stick to bumping the free WSO instead of the banner ad. Or still use the banner ads to get site wide traffic instead of just the WSO traffic.
It’s great sharing Joshua, I believe you’ll get your target 10,000 subs soon. So I have some question, all the subscriber you got they are in one niches, and all the strategies to get those subscriber is just around that niches? the way you follow up them, give them mini-course through email or introduce them some your affiliate product?
Hey Jason,
I have lists in about 4 different niches but my main list is in the internet marketing niche. I have other lists that I’ve built from video marketing and seo sites. These strategies can be implemented in just about any niche. Especially with video marketing. And you are correct I have my auto responder sequence set up which introduces my own product and I also email for affiliate products.
Great update my friend, Congrats. I look forward to seeing the other methods you use to get subs. I like the Warrior forum banner idea. I guess I should start getting some Youtube videos out there and see how that go’s
Thanks, Jace
Hey Jace,
Thanks man I’m glad I can help and yea absolutely warrior forum banners work pretty well. I also used it a few times to link directly to my WSO salespage and it performed well also.
Hi Josh,
Thanks for posting the great video. I think it’s great that you’ve been able to build your list so large. I’m just wondering, are you making decent profits from your list? Many people talk about $1/subscriber/month…are you finding this to be the case? How much are you reinvesting in terms of a % of list income?
Hey Mike,
Great question man. I make a good amount from my list but at the same time I don’t promote many products as of right now so I can definitely be making more by mailing more often and promoting more products. I may turn it up a bit more. Most of my online income right now comes from my video marketing which brings me passive income monthly. I reinvest about 75% of my list income back into more list building.
Nice work here. Really spell out the process very clearly.
Thank You Saleem!
Hi Joshua
Not sure the fact that you prevent the copy paste of the links inside that page helps you. Especially when we click on that link and it doesn`t open on the new page… bye bye your blog…
Hey Gerry,
I use that plugin to prevent those who want to steal my content and repost it else where. I can’t please everyone. Thanks for stopping by and goodluck!
Great video and inspirational content. Makes me want to do this stuff, which I haven’t yet tried. Did you learn all this from Kim Roach’s Marketing Lab?
Good luck to get the 10,000. Just goes to show that you need not rely entirely on Google.
Hey Owen,
I actually went through her Traffic Dashboard training which is extremely good and I endorse fully. I have yet to dive into her Marketing lab training course but I am sure it is just as good. And you are 100% correct for me personally Google should just be a traffic source which you use to build your list.
Great stuff Josh. I love your blog it has soooo many resources. I’ve already learned a lot from you. I have joined your wordpress tutorials and they are excellent. I will take me time to implement them…but I will.
Thank you Paul 8) Glad I can help.
Hey josh
Great article and congrats on the good feedback.
Keep it up.
Hey Joshua,
I’ve been following you on your journey to 10k subscribers ever since I got to know you from Kim’s blog! Just want to say congrats on hitting the 6k mark and I’m also building my list using some of the methods you mentioned as well.
Looking forward to your next update!
Hey Eugene,
Thanks man! I really appreciate you stopping by
I got a new update heating up in the over now. stay tuned man. I’m going into an email campaign and showing results of list building
I’ve never tried banner ads on other’s site.
A 100 bucks a bit steep for a 24 hr slot but not at Warrior.
thanks Joshua!
Hey Akos,
Yea it is a bit steep for 24 hours but then again you are being exposed to a ton of targeted people.