Hey hey my friend!
I am truly excited to start this brand new venture here at ZamuraiBlogger.com. I think it’s really about time to really start building my brand and build something that people recognize.
If you have been following me at all over at HowToBuildYourOnlineEmpire.com you will notice that I have not really built a brand around that Domain.
Simply because it is a very LONG and general domain name and hard to find a way to build a brand around it (trust me I tried). Which also shows how little I knew about online marketing when I first started to pick such a general domain.
I wish I would have done more research on building a brand and how to pick a domain name early on.
Although I have been sharing some great articles with my readers, building a brand is just as important as putting out quality unique information.
This is something that I wish I would have done from the beginning and hopefully you are able to learn from my mistake.
So if you are truly serious about building a quality blog really, take time to pick a domain that you can be passionate about and you can build a strong authority brand in your niche.
A few tips on how to pick a domain name:
- Keep it short– The shorter the better and easier for people to remember. (not like howtobuildyouronlineempire.com LOL)
- No Hyphens– Try not to include a domain name that has hyphens. Remember you want to build a brand and if you are ever at a networking event or in an elevator you do not want to confuse people when trying to tell them your URL.
- Stick with .COM– The average person is used to going to .com websites. Again make it easy for people to find and remember you.
- Brandable– Unlike my howtobuildyouronlineempire.com domain ZamuraiBlogger has a little better brand appeal and a bit sexier if you want my honest unbiased opinion. 8)
- Easy to Spell – Again this goes back to making it easy for people to find you. Don’t make it difficult for people to try and figure out the spelling of your domain.
- Check Copyrights and Trademarks: This is very important. the last thing you want to do is build a website around an existing brand. Don’t get me wrong this may be great if they are not online YET and you own the domain and they buy it from you BUT not a good idea to build and actual website around it. You can use http://cocatalog.loc.gov to check copyrights and http://www.trademarkia.com
Once the above tips check out it’s time to make sure your domain name is available. I search for and buy all my domains at Namecheap.com. There you can pick up your new domain name for about $10.
That is it guys those are my tips on how to pick a domain name from the beginning so you will not be forced to start a brand new blog like I have.
If worse comes to worse and you can’t find the right domain name you can always brand your name! 8)
Thank you guys for joining me on this journey.
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Great information about domain names. Can you recommend a good host?
HA! My first comment on my new blog! 8) thank you Deb! and of course I highly recommend Hostgator (http://zamuraiblogger.com/hostgator) I use have the baby plan and use them for all my site.
Haven’t had a problem yet. Thank you again for stopping by Deb really appreciate it.
Yahoo congrats on the new blog! I am sure it will be great!
Thank you Christine
I am extremely excited for the building of my brand.
And thanks for taking the time to stop by as always you rock!
Great posts,good clean to the point. I appreciate the info you pass along.Thanks for the fine read! “I’ll be back”
Hey Joshua, great tips here and I love the personal example you give for how not to land the just right domain name.
Have you made use of any tools that help you find or come up with a brandable and available domain name? I agree about Zamuraiblogger being a “nicer” choice as compared to the first option
Congrats on the new blog!
thank you Tim I really appreciate it! No i have not used any tools to help with choosing a domain. Do you know of any great resources?
Thanks for stopping by.