Hey Hey guys!
I’m back with yet another update video in my journey to 10,000 subscribers by December 31st. It has been a few weeks since my last update and I want to apologize for that. I’ve been quite busy working on a new software launch that’s coming out on December 21st. The great thing about this launch is that it’s a partnership between myself and a gentlemen named Andrew Naser who I actually met as a result of him reading my updates here on my blog.
So you just never know what can happen with the power of blogging!
This launch however has set me back in my 10k goal a bit but I’m not at all concerned because not only do I enjoy putting out AWESOME products it adds a HUGE surge of buyers to my list in a short period of time. Buyer subscribers are definitely more valuable then any other kind of subscriber you can have so I’m definitely looking forward to it.
So let’s move on to today’s update video. Today I have a few cool things to share with you on what I’ve been doing to build my list.
What the video below:
455 New Subscribers + Email Campaign Case Study
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Resources Mentioned in The Video:
1. Warrior Plus: If you have a list and would like to add some additional income promoting to your business promoting WSO’s is a great place to find great products at great prices.
2. JVZOO: JVZOO is yet another WSO network where you can find some more great WSO’s to sell. You can also use both Warrior+ and JVZOO to sell your own products.
3. http://zamuraiblogger.com/dating-app-stories/: I use Aweber as my preferred autoresponder. They are extremely affordable and easy to use.
4. 45 year old dating sites: This is my video marketing course that I use to make passive income as well as build my list as as I mention in the video. I had a video in about position 5 sending me 1-2 subscribers a day. I was able to get the video bumped up to position #3 which is now above the fold and is now bringing me 4-5 subscribers a day.
5. http://zamuraiblogger.com/adult-dating-in-tulsa-ok/: This is the free video marketing report I use to build my list and send people through my Auto Responder funnel.
In this update video I talk about how in a first initial test I got more subscribers from posting a FREE WSO at $40 then paying to have a benner ad at $100. Now I do need to test a few things out to see if I can get the same results again. What I want to test now is sending the banner traffic to the Free WSO thread FIRST and from the WSO thread to the squeeze page. Previously I just linked from the banner to the squeeze page.
I also did an ad swap with the lovely Ti Roberts from TiRoberts.com . Ti Roberts is an up and coming traffic generation queen. She has some great traffic tips and tricks up her sleeve so it was a no brainer to ask her if she would be open to doing an ad swap.
This is another sign of just how powerful a blog can be because I first met Ti when she commented on this Update video here . From there I popped over to her blog and saw she had some great content. So I messaged her on Facebook and it’s all history from there.
Marketing Takeaway:
Get out there and start blogging and building relationships. There are two examples in this one article of how one simple blog can bring people together from all over the world. I would have never imagined I would be partnering up with someone from Egypt or doing an ad swap with Ti Roberts had I not started blogging here.
To Our List Building Success,
What’s On Your Mind?
I would LOVE To Hear from You In The Comments area below. Do you have a question? Comment? Where Are You In Your List Building Efforts? Do You Have A Juicy traffic strategy you would like to share? Drop Me some Love Below.
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