3 BADASS Ways To Be a Social Bookmarking BEAST

Hey Hey! I have an exciting post for you today. I want to quickly share with you my system of Social Bookmarking my websites/blog posts.

Now this post is NOT going to be about how to bookmark your own website’s through YOUR OWN Social Bookmarking accounts…

BUT more about how to GET OTHERS to Bookmark your content.

It’s all good and dandy if Google see’s you bookmarking your content over and over BUT a lot more powerful and “natural looking” when there’s a ton of other people Bookmarking your sites as well.

Now I do have to warn you, for one of the 3 ways I cover the initial set up will take between 45 minutes to an hour. And that is just to set up or open accounts to all the Social Bookmarking places offered by the service.

Of course you can always outsource this task to Fiverr.com or even buy ALREADY created accounts on Fiverr. Yes that is correct there are people who sell these “pre-created” accounts on Fiverr.

So let’s go ahead and get started..

3 Badass Ways To Bookmark Your Websites


1. SocialMonkee (<–link opens in a new window): Now for this service you are in luck because YOU DO NOT have to create your own Social Accounts as this is not needed for this service.

SocialMonkee is basically a service that allows you to submit your blog posts and they Bookmark your article/website through their Bookmarking accounts FOR FREE!

Well not totally for free. As a free member you are able to submit one URL per day which get’s submitted to 25 Social Bookmarking sites.

They do have an upgrade available for a one time fee of $47 (or 12 referrals) and that allows you to submit 3 URL’s per day Bookmarked to 100 Social Bookmarking websites..but if you’re just starting out the Free Service is just fine.

Just a Tip* Once your account is created and you go to”Download Plugin/Submit” I always click on “Prefer The Old Submit Form “

2. SocialAdr: (<–link opens in a new window) Now this service DOES require you to set up or create accounts to the Social Bookmarking websites they syndicate to BUT like I said you can outsource this to Fiverr.

This service is a bit more unique in the sense that it’s a “Share and Be Shared” kind of system. You Earn “credits” for sharing other account users articles/websites and you lose “credits’ when they share yours.

So in essence you CAN NOT get your bookmarks shared UNLESS you share others. Which is a great system in my opinion. And more important of all 100% Free.

It is also EXTREMELY easy to share the URL’s which are in the “queue” and it literally takes me 5 seconds to login hit “quick share” and move on.

And of course they offer a paid portion where you can “buy credits” without having to share other peoples URL’s. But again this is totally up to you and the free version is just fine if you’re just starting out.

3. SocialMaximizer: (<–link opens in a new window) For this service you are also in LUCK! As you will NOT have to set up ANY accounts of your own except an account for SocialMaximizer.

WARNING this is a 100% PAID service but works WONDERS!

This service is VERY similar to SocialMonkee but with a bit of a twist. You actually get to choose on which Social Accounts you want your URL’s shared on based on the Pagerank of the Bookmarking website.

So you can choose to only have PR1+ all the way up to PR5+. I used this service for the first time last week and am EXTREMELY satisfied with it. I paid $10 to have my URL Syndicated to over 40 PR3+ websites and already about 8 have been indexed.

This is a more of an advanced Social Bookmarking strategy and I recommend it if you are REALLY going after SEO traffic and rankings.

But if you are on a budget what you can do is place a one time order of $10 or $20 (40-50 submissions) which come with a FULL report of where the bookmarks are and you can visit those websites and create accounts at each of them and manually bookmark the rest of your sites.

Now it will take a lot more manual labor and time on your part but still a doable technique.

That’s all for today my friend! I hope these 3 resources allow you to SKYROCKET to the front of Google and outrank your competition.

If you have any other cool Social Bookmarking Services that you know about please share them in the comments below.

To Your Social Bookmarking Success,

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Author: Joshua Zamora

Hey Hey Welcome to ZamuraiBlogger ! I'm Joshua the webmaster of this bad boy. I'm a young entrepreneur born and raised in Miami Fl. I love internet marketing, blogging, learning new traffic strategies and helping others as well. I'm also pretty good at Chess, Poker, Basketball and I love going to concerts and watching movies.

23 thoughts on “3 BADASS Ways To Be a Social Bookmarking BEAST”

    1. Thank you Chris! And Yea man SocialAdr is great once it’s set up it takes 2 seconds a day to log in and hit “quick share”

      Same with SocialMaximizer it’s paid but definitely worth it.

      Thanks for stopping by man

  1. Another fantastic post Joshua. It’s almost like a sign or something that I should get booking. A couple of days ago I ran across an old bookmarking report from an order I placed years ago. Then yesterday Kristi Hines recommended a bookmarking service in a guest post she wrote. I placed an order there just last night. And now I read this fantastic post with three more resources. See what I mean, a sign. lol

    I don’t want to over do it all at once, Google doesn’t like that, but I will check out all three of these.

    BTW, Let me know if you want to see that old book marking report. It might have some links you could use. I know it has a ton of dead links from sites shutting down.

  2. Josh buddy, great content bro!!! I love how you do come up with fresh content that is real world and not some pipe dream for internet marketers and bloggers.

    Let me know if you ever want a video of me performing a “Zamurai” form with my katana! Will match well with your name lol 😉

    1. Thank you man! Really appreciate it! You guys are doing your thing too over at SMI!

      Haha that would be sick man! Possibly a great Branding/Marketing tactic.. The one I saw last time was pretty serious!

  3. Dude, your welcome! Ya we are doing some really great things and excited to be serving businesses!

    Bro, you have my permission to take from my vids and incorporate into your blog. If you decide to and edit, send me the edited version! 🙂 I think it will be a great marketing & branding tactic for you since your blog is “Zamurai Blogger”. I have some cool pics too…

    1. Hey Wong, I apologize for the delayed response your comment was filtered into the spam folder for some reason. Just deactivated akismet and sticking with GASP.

      And you are correct you can pay someone over at Fiverr to do this for you. You gota love Fiverr! such a simple idea that has helped so many entrepreneurs.

    1. Thank you Sanjay! I also want to apologize for the delayed response. This comment and your other one were sitting in my spam folder so I just deactivated akismet and am sticking with GASP.

      I have a few great ones lined up 8)

  4. Socialadr is great but you can only share 5 links per day on the free service, you have to pay to do more, so you can only share your own bookmarks wuite slowly if you do it this way. Great as long as you don’t mind the time it takes to build up your links.

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