Hey Guys,
Thank you for joining in on my journey to reach 10,000 subscribers by December 31, 2012. If this is your first time on my blog and you want to know what my 10,000 subscriber journey is you can view post #1 here.
But in short I have set a goal for myself to reach 10,000 subscribers by the end of this year and document my entire journey on a week by week basis. This is the update video number 1 and I will be going over what I’ve done over the last 9 days to get over 583 subscribers.
For some of you this may seem like a lot and for others this may seem like a little. Either way I want you guys to know that just two years ago I knew absolutely nothing about online marketing. I had to go out there become a sponge and learn everything I needed to build a successful business online.
Then from there I took MASSIVE action and I continue to hustle till this day. If you are just getting started online then I want you to know that I’m rooting for you. Wherever you decide to take your business online just make sure you hustle and keep taking action. Also start considering to build an email list of your own.
There are many ways to build an income online but when you are able to build a loyal following, that is when you are building a true business instead of just an income.
With that being said let’s jump into this bad boy:
583 Subscribers in 9 days:
So far this past week I invested quite a bit into Solo Ads. If you do not know what solo ads are it’s basically paying another email marketer to email their list about your offer. You can typically find solo ad sellers selling between $15-$200 for 50-500 clicks.
You are basically buying traffic, meaning that you are going to have to make sure your squeeze page is set up correctly so that it converts when the seller starts to send you clicks. Also if you have your funnel set up correctly then you can make money while building your list and then reinvest that money back into buying more solos.
Another source that I used this past week was posting a FREE WSO. A WSO is a known as a Warrior Special Offer. Although I have posted 2 paid products with great results you can also use it to post a free ebook or free video training that you offer for the price of an optin.
Everytime I’ve posted a Free WSO I typically get between 40-60 optins per post. It does cost $40 to post a WSO whether it’s free or paid.
The two offer’s that I’m using to build my list are:
2. My Free Video Marketing Report.
That is pretty much for this weeks update video. If you have any questions at all I would love to hear from you in the comments area below.
This coming week is going to be a very exciting week filled with a few free strategies that I’m using to build my list you do not want to miss out.
To Our List Building Success,
What’s On Your Mind?
I would LOVE To Hear from You In The Comments area below. Do you have a question? Comment? Where Are You In Your List Building Efforts? Do You Have A Juicy traffic strategy you would like to share? Drop Me some Love Below.
And Don’t Forget to hit the “Like” Button below.
Super job on your progress over the past 9 days! I love the idea of posting the free WSO. That is a fabulous way to both give and get back. Win Win!
Thank you Joanne. And yea I love using WSO’s to generate leads. I’ll be doing a lot more with the warrior forum moving forward. Both with WSO’S and sharing great content on there.
Joshua, thats awesome progress man…just so I understand where you’re at…
1. with a list over 5k you’re making a decent full time income now right?
The other thing…when you mention free WSO’s…i have an idea to share with you…I’ll send you a message!
Hey Riz,
Yea man I do pretty well with my list whenever I mail a product. I don’t mail too often though which I may change, I just gota structure it right so I’m still providing value. I don’t want to be that marketer who mails products just to mail.
A big portion of my income right now comes from my videos and SEO sites which I’m going to be outsourcing soon so I can focus more on list building while still growing that income. I’ll be on the look out for your message man. Thanks for the input.
Hi I like your post buy it seems that it is going to be very expensive to build your list to 10,000.
I am sure it is worth the investment but it seems that 50 subs for $40 bucks using a WSO is not money well spent.
Why don’t you try and contact some other people launching WSO’s and see if you can add your freebie as a bonus when they launch.
You can then make the people who collect the bonus optin to your list to gain access to it.
This way you can get buyers on your list and you don’t have to spend the $40 on the WSO.
Hey Marcus,
A free wso is just one strategy and although I did spend quite a bit on solos this week I’ve been doing free strategies as well.
And I look at all the $ spent as an investment into my business and $40 for 50+ options is not a bad cost per optin at all considering other paid methods available.
This coming week I will be updating with a few free strategies that I’m using.
I’ve also offered my WSO as a free bonus a couloir times already with some great results so you are on the right track with that one
Trust me I do not plan on just using paid strategies as you said it will get pretty expensive.
Thanks for the feedback and I look forward to your continued participation.
Hey Joshua,
Well done! That’s really inspiring! I am just working on traffic strategies and am now into product creation. Didn’t think of a free WSO but now that you mentioned it I think I will do one just before I launch my product. Thanks for the tip and good luck buddy!
Hey Mo,
Posting a free WSO is a great way to pre launch your product and build an early bird list.
I did this with my first launch with great results.
I posted a free WSO with a link to a no optin video where I shared a strategy within my training for free. Then at the end I talked a bit about my upcoming launch and I had an early bird optin form below the video.
Worked well and I got about 40 people to optin to the early bird list.
This is the page that the free WSO linked to http://zamuraiblogger.com/tubetakeover/free-video/
I replaced the optin form with a link once the sales thread went live.
Hey man! you are doing a great job over there! I’ll be reading you!
Thanks Luis! I really appreciate it. Look forward to having you
Thanks for the update and I wish you continued success.
Hey Reg,
Great to hear from you. And thanks for stopping by I really appreciate it.
Anyone who thinks your methods are expensive doesn’t understand the game.
I spent $1400 on solo ads yesterday (non IM nich), but since my sales funnel is tested I can predict quite accurately how much money I’ll make as a result. When I spend any money on a solo ad I get excited because I know it’ll lead to sales revenue in excess of what I paid (usually two fold within 60 days).
I’ll be watching this challenge closely. Would love some more info on your numbers as you grow and what tweaks you make to push up the profits. Focus on your ROI. The better your ROI, the more you’ll have to reinvest.
Good stuff!!
Hey Jimmy,
You are absolutely right man solo ads is one of my favorite ways to get a list built quickly. I do have to tweak my follow up sequence a bit to be a little more effective. And yea man I reinvest a lot of my earnings back into more solos.
Thanks for stopping by man. You’re definitely a traffic generation beast and I look forward to your input.
Hey joshua,
looks like your’e doing a great job mate, just getting going myself in the marketing game building a list myself reading a blog like your is really inspiring,keep up the good work .
Hey Darren,
That is awesome man and you are getting started in the right path do not get distracted with all the shiny objects and continue to focus on building your list.
Anything I can do to help let me know
Hey Joshua,
That is a great accomplishment! I had a question. Do you do any segmenting with subscribers that come from the free WSOs vs the ones that come from the solo ads?
Hey Samuel,
Yes I actually have a separate list for solos and a separate list for Free WSO’s. I have several lists now that allows me to know exactly where the subcribers are coming from
These strategies have Kim Roach written all over them.
Great for you, Joshua; look forward to further updates.
Absolutely Ana! Kim has a huge chapter in my Traffic Generation Bible
We can guest vlog on each other’s series ..if there’s such a thing lol
Pretty cool how you can put your Youtube URL and Commentluv shows your latest video.
Not seeing your point here…
10,000 subscribers before the end of 2012, I understand
583 in 9 days by buying solo ads??? Why don’t you buy 100 solo ads right now and get your 10K subscribers in two weeks.
That’s BS. Anyone can get these by spending money. The real point is when are you going to get your money back?
If you say March 2013… if would immediately spend the $2,000 NOW.
It’s a goal I’ve set for myself Mike. Everyone has different goals and different resources. Most people who are reading this are just getting started online. Plus as I mention in my next update video solo ads are a great way to build a list but they’re not the best quality leads as solo vendors mail between 3-6 times a day for various different offers.
So I don’t want to have a list full of 100% solo ads. I want to have a diversity of subscribers. And I can assure you that making my money back is not an issue and something I can do with 1-2 mailings and/or with the follow up sequence I have in place.
Tell me more about where to get Solo ads and I can I see a sample squeeze page?
Thanks for the info.
Hey Kyle,
You can see a sample of my squeeze page here > http://zamuraiblogger.com/wp/ and I do plan on adding a page to my blog with solo ad vendors who I’ve had success with and who I’ve not. for now you can have a look at soloaddirectory.com/blog I’ve bought several from there.
Hi Joshua
Is it possible to find solo ads for markets outside the Internet Marketing niche? it looks like all the solos ads are aimed towards the IM industry. If so – how can I find these ads?
Hey Ron,
Yes you absolutely can. There are solo ad vendors in the forex niche, health niche, cooking niche etc. Although I have not purchased any outside of the IM niche let me know what niche you are looking for and I will try to point you in the right direction
If you haven’t yet figured out the problem with the conversion stats within aweber, then
read this http://www.optimizepress.com/training/troubleshooting/aweber-tracking/..
However, I highly recommend that you use a tracking system.. I’ve tried several
tracking systems and the one I like the most and using right now is clickmeter..
With clickmeter I track clicks, opt-ins, and sales. Also, with clickmeter I can see
which countries the clicks are coming from..
I don’t use aweber stats anymore..
WOW thank you for the aweber issue fix
I really appreciate that. I will also like into that clickmeter. I have been told that adtracksgold is good.