Hey my friend! First off Happy Friday!
I’m excited to be here with you sharing my backlink Friday Episode 2 with you! If you missed Episode one on how to get backinks be sure to go back and visit that post as well.
This week is an exciting week for backlinks and I will be sharing some great high pagerank websites to drop your backlinks.
If you can remember from last week I am a HUGE fan of member blogs!
- Because you have FULL control of your blog and backlinks.
- You are basically building your own network of high pagerank blogs that you can use over and over and over again whenever you are trying to rank for a new keyword.
So let’s not waste anytime and jump right in!
How To Get Backlinks: The Video
Backlink Fridays: The Websites
For those of you that rather read the information here you go…
1. IGN.com: PR 8 Root Domain website
If you have not heard of this tiny little gamer blog then you must be living under a rock. 8) They are actually one of the largest gamer blogs on the net today but what some of you may not know is they allow you to set up and account and with that account comes your very own WordPress member blog. Yes IGN does run on WordPress!
So just set up your account got to your blog and start publishing articles!
2. Mevio.com: PR 7 Root Domain Website
Mevio is another entertainment type website and they too allow you to set up your account and with your account comes your very own blog!
So set up your account sign in and publish your article!
3. Businesstwozero.com: PR 4 Root Domain Website
BTZ is another great small business website that allows you to have your own member blog by simply setting up your account.
4. My.Opera.com: PR 6 Root Domain Website
My opera is again a member blog where you can syndicate your articles and send backlinks to your website.
5, match.com dating service: PR 6 Root Domain Website
Branica is a little different than the other 4 sources I’ve covered today and it’s kind of like a link exchange process.They will be giving you a backlink from their website and you add a button to your site with a backlink to their website.
I like to have a wide variety of backlinks and if all I have to do is add a small button to my site to get a backlink I’m all for it.
So that’s it for this week edition of Backlinks Fridays!
As you can see again I shared with you some great high pagerank member blogs where you can syndicate your articles and if you are wondering whether or not article marketing works you may want to read my radiometric dating worksheet answersand see the results I’ve seen my using Article marketing ALONE. (Unfortunately the software is NOT currently for sale BUT it shows the power of article marketing)
Trust me guys there is a reason why people are paying hundreds of dollars a month to be part of a Blog Network which syndicate your articles across all their blogs!
The good thing is ARTICLE MARKETING WORKS and by showing you all of these member blogs you are basically building your own Blog Network!
To your Backlinking Success,
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